Journey trips will cost about 15 to 40
baht (depending on distance) which can be puchased at ticket
One-Day Pass can
be puchased at BTS Station ticket counters and will cost 120 baht,
this can be used until midnight
with unlimited stops.
BTS Sky Smartpass can
be purchased at BTS staion ticket counters and costs 100 baht with a 30 baht
issuing fee for
the new card. Refill up to 100 baht
to 2,000 baht
30 Day Adult Smartpass can be purchased at BTS station ticket counters and will cost
(excluding 30 baht issing fee for new card)
trips 440 baht
(22 baht per trip) 30
trips 600
baht (20 baht per trip) 40
trips 800 baht (20
baht per trip)
30 Day Student Smartpass can be purchased at BTS station ticket counters and will cost
(excluding 30 baht issing fee for new card) 20
trips 340 baht
(17 baht per trip) 30
trips 450 baht
(15baht per trip) 40
trips 600 baht
(15 baht per trip)
Routes and Stations |