MUAYTHAI - What is MUAY THAI ? This is type thai sport ,We all know MuayThai is a really cool form of martial arts. Many people enjoy learning and practicing this form of kick boxing. Today, lots of people are learning MuayThai fighting in order to learn how to defend themselves, as a sport, to lose weight and some even become professionals in this contact sport.
Muay Thai Boxing is also rich in history and it is a martial art that you need to learn to respect. You have to believe the teachings, you need to stand by the art itself, and you also need to believe in the fighting technique that this martial art teaches. Most importantly, you must believe in yourself and your ability to learn and develop your skills and fitness level.
Wai is an action of Thais to show respect to others by putting the hands together like in prayer. Khru means teacher. Ram means dance in the old Thai traditional style. Muay means boxing.
The fighter performs the Wai Khru by circling the ring three times before kneeling and bowing three times as a sign of respect to God and man. He also bows to Buddha (traditionally) to ask for protection for himself and his opponent and for an honourable fight.
The fighter then performs the Ram Muay, whose simple movements demonstrate a fighter’s control and style. Each fighter performs the Ram Muay on each side of the ring to demonstrate his prowess to the audience. The Ram Muay is a personal ritual, ranging from the very complex to the very simple, and often contains clues about who trained the fighter and where the fighter is from.
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In every stage of the training of Muaythai, the Wai Khru is a vital part of the training, which can be explained in the following sequence:
1. Submission as a student, Keun Khru or Yok Khru:
Keun Khru or Yok Khru is when the instructor accepts the student and the student accepts the instructor to be the one to train him. In the past, the student must serve the instructor for a period of time before actual training begins.
During this period the instructor will study the student to ensure that the student is trustworthy, honest and able. Once the instructor is satisfied with the student’s performance permission is given by the instructor to conduct the Keun Khru ceremony, in some areas it is called the Yok Khru ceremony.
This ceremony is where both the instructor and the student accept one another and the student must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the instructor.
The Keun Khru ceremony is conducted on Thursday because in ancient times, Thursdays are considered to be an auspicious day for such occasions. The student must bring along some personal items for the ceremony. As for money, it depends on each individual instructor. The ceremony is conducted in front of a Buddha image and the student will pledge his loyalty to the instructor.
2. Kronb Khru
Kronb Khru is a ceremony conducted for the student on the completion of his training. The student has now the ability to transfer his knowledge and skill to others and at the same time, be able to adapt and apply his skill to suit the situation, The student is ready to compete in any competition with pride.
In this ceremony the student is given the Monsol according to the tradition of that training camp. Again, this ceremony is conducted on a Thursday before noon at the home of the instructor or at the temple.
3. Yearly Wai Khru
“Yearly Wai Khru” is a tradition that Thailand has carried forth since ancient time. We Wai Khru to respect our mentors because if it was not for them we would not have the knowledge and principles that we abide by. It is these two virtues that enable us to carry on fulfilling our tasks.
In this ceremony we again pledge our respect and memories to our teachers past and present. Even though some of us have long finished our education or training we still give our teachers the greatest of respect. The day chosen for the Wai Khru is Thursday as it is believed to be “the day of the teachers”.
4. The Wai Khru
The art of Muaythai from past to present has a tradition that every tighter must perform the Wai Khru before every competition. Wai Khru is performed as a means of paying respect to the chairperson of the competition or in the past as a way to pay homage to the King who would normally be a spectator on almost every occasion. It also symbolizes the gratefulness of the fighter towards his mentor who had trained him and as a means of concentrating himself mentally for the competition.
If we further study the roots of the Thai culture we will discover that the Wai Khru is not just a way of paying respect to only our mentor but what this ritual is actually doing is paying homage to mentors before and long before him since the dawn of humanity. Hence, the Wai Khru is a way of worshipping past instructors and the way up to the holy spirits in heaven.
Accessories of Muay-Thai
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MuayThau Pants |
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